Monday 15 December 2014

What is Computer Network?

Computer Network

Computer network means an interconnected collection of computers (or multiple processors software & hardware) such that they can:
Exchange information, Sharing resources each other
Cellular Network

Key Issues For Computer Network

The following are the major key issues Computer Network:

Nature of Nodes: Whether participating nodes are homogeneous or heterogeneous in nature?

Topology: Which of the computer topology has to be followed? Computer topology accounts for the physical arrangement of participating computers in the network.

Interconnection Type: Whether interconnection type is point-to-point, multi-point, or broadcast type.


How reliable our network is? Reliability aspect includes error rate, redundancy and recovery procedures.

Channel Capacity Allocation:Whether allocation of channel capacity is time-division or frequency division?
Routing Techniques: Whether message between nodes are to be routed through: Deterministic, Stochastic, and Distributed routing techniques?
Models: Which of the models i.e. analytical models, Queuing models, Simulation models, Measurement and Validation models are applicable?
Channel Capacity: What are the channel capacities of the communication lines connecting nodes?
Access: Whether computer access in the network is direct-access or through a sub-network?
Protocols: What levels, standards and formats are to be followed while establishing communication between participating nodes?
Performance: How is higher performance of computer network achieved? Response time, time to connect, resource utilization, etc. contribute towards performance of computer network.
Control: Whether centralized control, distributed control or hierarchical control of participating nodes of computer network is suitable?

Tag : Computer Network, 

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